Travelling in Brighton
Child fares are available to anyone aged under 19 years old with a valid proof of age ID (including BusID) on our CityBuzz 37/37B services in Brighton.
Further to this, up to four children travel free with an adult at all times of the day, but also unaccompanied children can travel off peak for 50p (Off peak is after 18:00 hours Monday to Friday, but all day on bank holidays, weekends and school holiday weekdays).
These fare offers are supported by Brighton and Hove City Council and the Department for Transport.
Travelling in or to/from East Sussex
Child fares are available to anyone aged under 19 years old with a valid proof of age ID on any service starting or finishing in East Sussex.
Further to this, up to four children travel for just 50p per single journey with an adult at all times of the day, but also unaccompanied children can travel off peak for £1.00 (Off peak is after 18:00 hours Monday to Friday, but all day on bank holidays, weekends and school holiday weekdays).
These fare offers are supported by East Sussex County Council and the Department for Transport.
Travelling in West Sussex
Child fares are available to anyone under 16 years old with a valid proof of age on any service starting or finishing in West Sussex.
Further to this anyone aged 16 to 20 will be able to purchase a 16 to 20 Bus Saver ticket directly from the driver, which will be the same price as the existing child rate. The scheme applies to any direct bus travel starting or finishing in West Sussex. Before travelling, make sure to bring a valid proof of age – as an alternative to carrying official documents like passports and birth certificates, Citizencard will be accepted.
For more information please click here.
The Bus Saver fare is supported by West Sussex County Council and the Department for Transport.
Travelling in Surrey
The Surrey LINK Card allows young people aged 20 or under who live in Surrey access to cheaper fares. On Compass Travel services 43, 45 and 625 this will give Child fare rates to LINK Card holders on single, return and weekly fares. On all other Compass Travel services LINK Card holders can get a £1.50 single flat fare anywhere and access to child rate returns and weekly tickets.
For more information and to apply, please click here.